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When you think of office space, you tend to associate it with long hours of work, made up of private desk areas, minimal colour and a structured layout. A workplace can quickly become a space to dislike. With many people seeking an escape, this is exactly what has inspired the modern-day idea of office breakout areas.

Many companies, large and small, are now investing time and money into spaces away from employee desks. Whether this is a small sofa area in the corner of the building, or a whole floor dedicated to vending machines and TVs, having these areas is now considered a huge company bonus.

Breakout area from aci

What is an office breakout area?

A breakout area involves any space available to employees or visitors that is separate from their everyday working area and office design plan. It can offer a place for employees to relax, eat, connect with colleagues or even work when they have a creative block. These areas can offer benefits for employees, employers, visitors and clients, providing a homely feel and a less corporate approach.

Team meeting from aci

The benefits of an office breakout zone

Other than the obvious break time fun, there are a handful of benefits that these spaces can bring to those in and outside the company. Modern-day office design focuses on employee enjoyment and companies are now aiming for a homely, calm and productive space. Many digital workplaces implement these spaces along with new technologies to create an area which is modern, usable and adaptable.

Workplace relationships

Having a social area where people can relax and talk about things other than work, helps to bring them closer on a more personal level. Sitting in a social setting allows employees to become more comfortable with their colleagues and participate in group activities. These areas also offer an opportunity to connect with people you might not normally interact with, such as those from different departments of the business.

Reduces stress

Most modern-day office spaces offer a simple step away from employee desk areas. By simply taking yourself away from a computer screen, your mind can quickly relax and forget the stresses of work for a while. Sitting in a comfier area, having fun distractions or having personal chats with colleagues can reduce stress almost straight away, bringing energy levels up and giving your brain a break.

Physical health

Staying glued to a desk for 8 or 9 hours a day isn’t good for anyone. Although you might be going from one seat to another, changing your position, posture and location can do wonders for short-term and long-term physical health. Moving around during the day reduces mental blocks, improves concentration, burns calories and reduces the risk of potential health risks.

The idea of having outdoor breakout spaces is also becoming increasingly popular, helping employees with general health and access to vitamins, natural sunlight or fresh air.

Increases creativity

Taking a step away from regular desk space to somewhere cool and cosy will ignite creativity and inspiration in any colleague’s day. Office breakout spaces can also offer a great alternative outside of break time. Allowing employees to work freely and flexibly within their working hours can quickly form new ideas, fresh thoughts and daily motivation. These spaces are also ideal for meetings and private conversations.

Desk and sofa area from aci

What makes a good breakout area?

Having a breakout area and having an effective breakout area are two different things. Creating a space of comfort and freedom is key when thinking about the design of these areas. Although a breakout space is personal to every business and employee, there are a few key things to consider when planning a separate space.

  • Comfortable seating
  • Dining area
  • TV or entertainment
  • Quiet zone
  • Simple yet colourful decor
  • Natural lighting
  • Interactive features e.g. whiteboards
Game area from aci

Uk Office Refurbishment

Wanting to revamp your office space or need advice on a new breakout area? ACI’s team are expert when it comes to improving your office space and helping you choose the right space for your business and employees.

Advanced Commercial Interiors has been helping businesses modernise their office and commercial spaces since 2009. Based in Nottingham, we cover the whole of the UK including Derby, Birmingham, Leicester and Manchester.
From small re-fits to something a little more ambitious, get in touch 0115 939 7572 with your project enquiry and we’ll be in touch.