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Despite a turbulent past few years, remote and hybrid workplaces have proven to be worth the investment for a number of businesses and employees. In fact, for some companies, they were a necessity in order for business to resume. For others, they see technology as a new world of possibilities and are using this to their full advantage.

Read more about the rise in technology through our workplace technology guide.

For many traditional companies that thrive off face-to-face interaction, company culture has taken a hit due to technological alternatives. It’s clear to see that remote working and digital communication are here to stay but how is this shaping workplace culture and promoting innovative thinking?

How technology is affecting company culture

Company culture is now becoming a benefit and environment that employees look for within a workplace. Not only can this have a huge influence on mental well-being and happiness, but it can also impact business through communication and collaborative working.

Communication and Collaboration

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Technology has enabled remote work, allowing employees to work from anywhere, whether that be from home or abroad. This has led to more flexible work arrangements which ultimately affects company culture as it has resulted in fewer people in an office at one time. Technology has also influenced communication with the introduction of tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom which comes with both positives and negatives in terms of company culture.

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Due to many workplaces now being more relaxed in terms of working hours and locations, this has resulted in a more balanced culture within the office as employees are less stressed and feel as though they can balance their days better. On the flip side, the same technology that enables flexibility can also contribute to burnout if employees are constantly connected and are struggling to switch off when working away from the office.

Collaborative working strategies

Whether it’s from the office or done remotely, technology has enabled employees to collaborate with others on a much larger scale, using platforms and systems to communicate, share screens, offer input and feedback and invite wider communities. Technology is especially useful for those who are looking to collaborate with other businesses or people in different time zones. Collaborative workspaces have also been implemented within office spaces in order to create more modern office solutions and encourage employees to come in and utilise new and improved systems. Our office design solutions meet these new standards of work and implement spaces where people love to work.

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Feedback and engagement

Technology enables regular employee surveys and feedback mechanisms, allowing companies to gauge employee satisfaction and make necessary cultural adjustments in a more data-driven manner. These methods can also be done anonymously which is a great way to ensure employees feel comfortable and are honest about their feedback.

Automation and office design

Company culture is hugely impacted by office design as often, a poorly designed office can lead to dissatisfied workers, a lack of productivity and a generally negative attitude. Modern office design comes with a number of new automation techniques, making work more fun, more efficient and more interesting. Not only is technology helping with the whole design process but it is also bringing new and improved methods into the workplace which can make mundane tasks much more enjoyable. These new opportunities lead to more innovative thinking and a positive work environment.

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

Technology has transformed the way companies recruit and hire talent. Video interviews, AI-driven applicant tracking systems, and online assessments are common tools which allow employers to find applicants from across the globe. This can affect the culture of a workplace by influencing the type of candidates hired and the emphasis on certain skills.

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How does technology promote innovative thinking within a workplace?

Technology plays a significant role in promoting innovative thinking within a workplace by providing tools, resources, and environments that foster creativity and problem-solving. Workers are exposed to a huge amount of materials and information, meaning they are constantly being fueled with new ideas and creative content that they can use in their own work. Here are just a few examples of how technology is impacting innovation.

  • Greater access to information through the Internet and databases
  • Collaboration tools
  • Video conferencing and online learning portals
  • Data and analytics
  • Automation and efficiency working strategies
  • Prototyping and augmented reality
  • Remote work and flexible routines
  • Greater opportunities for learning and development
  • Social media networking

Office design by Advanced Commercial Interiors

Are you looking to improve your company culture and promote innovative thinking within your business? Our office design solutions are there to create an inspiring office for your business to grow and employees to thrive in. Whether you’re a small law firm or a huge tech house, our office design team will work with you to create an environment that fits your industry.

Get in touch with us on 0115 939 7572 or visit our office design page for more information.