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With businesses across the country now relaxing their covid-19 regulations, offices and workplaces are now considering health and safety more than ever. Although every company will have their own way of running things, there are many common practices which are now considered essential. These practices are in place to protect staff, visitors and employers and can range from split working to hand sanitiser stations. So, what does hygiene look like in a modern-day office and how has office hygiene changed over the past few years?

What changes have been made post-pandemic?

It was clear to see the changes and improvements made during the pandemic, however, now we’re out the other side, most hygiene regulations have stayed in place in one way or another.

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Office hygiene essentials

When thinking about a post-pandemic office, small and large, there are a number of items which many businesses are equipped with. Companies are now stocking up on essentials such as wipes, hand sanitiser, gloves, masks and signs for communal areas. Although these items were first introduced during the pandemic, these specific ones are still being used by employees and visitors. Whether this equipment is available at each desk or offered at the building entrance, ensuring each person feels comfortable where they work is a priority.

Hybrid and flexible working

The element of hybrid and flexible work is one of the most recognised after-effects of the pandemic. Due to thousands of people working from home or operating through split working models, this new routine shows no sign of slowing down. These strategies were first implemented in order to limit the amount of staff in the workplace. Both hybrid and flexible working arrangements not only limited human contact during coronavirus spikes, but also allowed those who were shielding to work safely and comfortably. Although restrictions have been limited nationwide, employees who suffer from certain conditions are still benefiting from this arrangement. Here are just a few hygiene benefits that hybrid and flexible working offers.

  • Limits human contact 
  • Free desk space and distance 
  • Vulnerable workers can continue working 
  • Protecting those you live with 
  • Online meetings from across the UK 


Coming hand in hand with hybrid and remote work, many companies are now either hot-desking within their own offices or opting for shared office spaces to save on expenses. At first thought, many believe hot-desking is less hygienic as you’re sharing a personal space. However,  this encourages daily cleaning and also offers many company benefits.

Contactless equipment 

When it comes to office design or office improvement, good office design works to reduce the total number of doors by replacing them with privacy walls or creating an open plan environment. More modern doors may also come with automatic sensors or pressure plates to improve cleanliness and reduce contact. Other contactless equipment might include sensor taps, ID cards, face recognition, hand dryers and censored flushes.

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The future of office hygiene

Office hygiene has now become a priority for many businesses, incorporating health and safety throughout everyday practices. In addition to all these elements, the way that people work has now changed for the foreseeable future. With a growing number of remote companies and more businesses opting for a flexible approach, gone are the days of a strict 9-5. These strategies not only provide hygiene benefits but have also offered employees freedom and a clear work life balance.

Find Out More

>Need help or advice with anything we’ve mentioned above? Advanced Commercial Interiors has been helping businesses reimagine their office and commercial spaces since 2009. Based in Nottingham, we cover the UK, including Derby, Birmingham, Leicester, and Manchester.

From small re-fits to something more ambitious, drop us a line on 0115 939 7572 with your project enquiry.